Monday, December 31, 2007

Doggie update!

I have great news coming from the Bill Foundation who helped us rescuing Samantha and her puppies: Dundee and Darius have been adopted together a couple of weeks ago, by the veterinarian who gave them their check-up at the animal hospital - so they get to stay together, and get the best medical care ever :) No photos for now, but I hope to get some after the holidays...

Samantha thrived in her foster home, and rapidly turned into the gorgeous dog she was meant to be... Look at that smile, that beautiful fur and that confident expression! It is such a joy to see her so happy, with the love and care she deserves.

She recently got adopted by a very nice person, who is looking to adopt a second dog to give her a buddy. It doesn't get much better than this does it?

Sawyer and Mathilda are still living a happy, carefree life in their wonderful foster home... Sawyer's adoption is pending, he may well have found his perfect, forever home! Mathilda is the only one left, so if any of you need an adorable puppy to love and spoil...

How could you possibly resist those chubby faces?

Friday, December 28, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007

L.A. by night


Hollywood, always classy and in good taste...

The Wicked Witch Musical:

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Samantha and her four puppies were locked away in a tiny, dirty kennel their whole - short - lives... on bare wood, with not even a blanket to cuddle on. Water and food? Once a day! Walks? Never! The Korean family who kept them (and let the dog breed with her own brother) obviously did not have much interest in them.

It was quite a heartwrenching sight...

Luckily, it did not take much to convince their "owners" to give them up, and we found a wonderful rescue group to foster the whole family. Those babies are going to be BIG, so it had to be someone with plenty of space. As it is, the family will be fostered in a nice property in Beverly Hills... from rags to riches ;)


Dundee the Fearless

Mathilda Sawyer

I am hoping to receive an update about them and maybe some pics, early next week... I will post everything here. It will be fun to see how the pups turn out!

More kitty pictures

Boy, do they love their cat tree...

Monday, December 03, 2007

A walk in the park

I never know whether I should post in French or English. I'm not sure many people from home actually check this out, and the ones who do should understand the English, so... English it will be!

Went for a walk with Johan and the two dogs in Elysian Park today... the golden light of the late afternoon was simply gorgeous. Even my shitty little digital managed to capture that beauty decently! It felt great to exercize a little, play with the dogs, and forget about the poor locked up, neglected Mama dog and her pups that we saw earlier (will post about that later, for now I'm just too depressed about it, and busy trying to find a way out of this situation).

Pepper would not sit still for the camera... silly girl!

Happy Olivia...

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Photoshoot with a flirt...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Any Given Saturday Night

Samedi dernier, sur une de mes idées complètement saugrenues, Jason et moi sommes allés voir un match des Trojans, équipe de l'université de Californie du Sud. Tout est parti d'un "Oh tiens j'aimerais bien voir au moins un match de football américain, histoire de ne pas mourir idiote!"... pas de problème, on achète des billets et nous voilà partis.

Alors pour le coup c'est sur je ne mourrai pas idiote (encore que) mais par contre j'ai bien failli mourir d'ennui! Oubliez le papier glacé, les clichés de films américains pour ados, Oliver Stone... le foot US c'est 3h de torture, de dix mètres parcourus et 10 secondes de jeu entrecoupés de diverses pauses et gesticulations énigmatiques pour le profane, une musique kitsch et tonitruante qui te fait te demander si oui ou non c'est encore la pause, bref, on s'enquiquine ferme - sauf Chéri, qui lui est habitué et trouve tout ça normal.

Pffff! On voit bien qu'il n'a jamais regardé la coupe du Monde de foot (soccer ici, peuvent rien faire comme tout le monde) avec la France en finale! Eh oui le foot, ma hantise éternelle, en paraîtrait presque passionnant. C'est dire!

Enfin bon j'ai quand même bien rigolé, méchante commère que je suis, à médire de tous mes petits camarades en transe à chaque mètre parcouru par un joueur sans tomber, s'empiffrant de hot-dogs, de pop corn noyé de beurre vendu au seau, de nachos avec fromage Play-Doh orange fluo, le tout bien arrosé de soda et de Gatorade... eh oui les clichés ont la vie dure :)

J'aurais même vu des cheerleaders et des majorettes, se dandiner et sautiller bêtement alors que personne ne les regarde en vrai... et aussi pris plein de photos pas belles, eh oui mon petit Olympus commence à se fatiguer, vivement le reflex numérique, premier projet à accomplir dès que j'aurais trouvé un travail et reçu des sious!!

Je partage quand même, parce que bon, ce n'est pas comme si le sujet allait pâtir de la qualité des photos ;)

RoBisous à tous!

Je vous ai gardé le meilleur pour la fin: tronches de cake!

PS: Vous remarquerez (ou pas) que j'ai enfin localisé le clavier français dans mes options... ça fait du bien de pouvoir remettre des accents!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

La Smala

Quatre p'tits chats, quatre p'tits chats, quatre p'tits chats-chats-chats...

Que la vie est dure...

Queen Isis

Mew (aka the Mewsance)

Wicket (Puppy-Boy)

Miss Chewie


Obi the Monkey... Gone over the Rainbow Bridge, and sorely missed :*(

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